
Holiday Parties the Healthy Way









Holiday parties are in full force right which poses a challenge to your efforts of healthy eating. As discussed in previous posts, you can always bring your own dish to share and use substitutions to lighten your recipes. If you can’t bring your own dish to share, you may consider using these behavior strategies to help you enjoy the parties in a healthy way!

  • “If you plan on treating yourself later, start your day with a small meal that includes whole grains, fruit, low-fat or fat-free dairy and protein, such as eggs, ham or peanut butter.
  • Don’t starve yourself beforehand. Rather, eat a small, lower-calorie meal or snack including fruit or a bagel so you aren’t tempted to overdo your calorie intake for the day.
  • Choose carefully between foods you definitely will eat, those you will sample and those you will skip.
  • Don’t rush to eat. Socialize and settle into the festivities before you eat.
  • Move your socializing away from the buffet or appetizer trays. This will minimize the unconscious nibbling.”

The holidays are a great time for celebrating with friends and family and food is always involved. Allow yourself to enjoy, but in moderation. You can keep the extra holiday pounds off, while still enjoying the holidays and festivities in a healthy way with these tips!


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