
Kale: A Superfood!









Vegetables. Eat your vegetables. We hear this all the time when talking about receiving proper nutrition because of the amount of nutrients vegetables provide with such little caloric value. Nutrient dense veggies should be a staple in our diet because of the benefits they provide. Eating significant amounts of vegetables can aid in weight loss, which most of us would love to do. Each vegetable has a different amount and type of nutrients that they carry. Some have more vitamin A than others, while others may be much higher in fiber. Today we’re going to look at the health benefits of a vegetable that isn’t as popular as it should be; kale.

Kale is a dark, leafy green vegetable that has tons of nutrients. Kale is high it Vitamins A, C, and K and Folate (a form of Vitamin B). Just like most vegetables, kale provides almost no caloric value with only 33 calories per cup. A cup of kale also provides 3 grams of protein and 2.5 grams of fiber. Existing research has shown that kale may provide health benefits that relate to a decrease in risk of cancer. There is also a linkage between kale consumption and decreased cholesterol levels, which supports heart health.

Adding kale to your diet has multiple benefits. Find a way to incorporate this vegetable into your regime, whether it be eating it raw, putting it on a burger, or making a salad out of it. Next time you’re in the grocery store, don’t be afraid to try some kale, you won’t regret it.

-Written by Braden Carmody, SDSU Dietetics Student

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