
A Running Doc’s Life: Strive to Survive on Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving! A time to spend with family, eat good food, watch football on TV…and exercise! “If you want to eat, you gotta move your feet”. The annual Turkey Day DASH took place on Thursday, a 5k run, and 2 mile walk. 360 people participated in this event. It is a great way to start out the holiday, and get your activity in, and then eat and enjoy the rest of the day as you want.

We had absolutely perfect weather for this as well. Ended up being at race time in the low 40’s, and then got into the mid 50’s by the middle of the afternoon. Great time to go for a walk to work off some of that noon meal as well. Nick came home from college, and brought my mom up with him, so we got to spend some great family time together as well. Sarah’s family made it up for the day as well. Great food, and great company.

The Turkey day DASH is becoming a family tradition for us now as well. You are out exercising with hundreds of other people, and then work up an appetite to eat, and not feel as guilty later because you already worked out. Thanksgiving is one of those times when we all indulge a little, and that is ok…but still good to keep within reason. And, there is no excuse to not exercise that day as well. There is always some time, you just have to figure out when is that time.

Here was my plate when we sat down. Turkey with stuffing, gravy, corn, a bun, and my moms famous noodle salad with grapes! Delicious!

It was a good time spending with family. We all had more than enough to eat. We then watched the Vikings win in football, and then the weather was so nice out, we went out for a walk, and just spent time outside and enjoyed the warm weather. We have had days where the temperature has been -25 degrees, so this was great!

They were taking pictures of everybody coming across the finish line at the race. After we crossed, I reached my hand out to Sarah to high five her…we came across together…and she was not looking at me right then. So I turned towards her more, and then she saw me and high fived back, but the angle of the camera looks like I am smacking her in the face! Truly, it is just the angle of the camera!

But it was a great way to start the day. Many of the run club members…friends…were there as well. This, too, is becoming a tradition as well.

There is always time to take care of yourself, stay in shape, and spend time with friends. You have to figure out how you are going to do this, and how you are going to make time for it. Is this always easy to do? No! It takes some effort to figure out when this will get worked into your day. You have to plan…you have to learn to make accommodations…you have to make an effort. When all is said and done, you will be happy you did it. Learn to make adjustments. Invest in you. Are you not worth it? The days go by fast. Don’t waste the time we do have. Take advantage of it, and enjoy life to its fullest. Strive to survive! Spend the holidays with family, and make them special. Those same people will not always be in your life. Make life count! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day #: 3714

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