
Keep our Kids Active!









With it being the middle of winter, it’s more challenging to be outside and stay active….especially for our kids.  Children need at least 60 minutes of activity a day. Meeting this activity recommendation will not only promote a healthy weight, but also ward off diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. This 60 minutes does not have to be all at once though…it can be spread throughout their day. You may consider the following tips to help you and your child be more active:

  •  Join a sports team or try a new physical activity.
  • Take a walk or turn up the tunes and do some dancing indoors after your supper meal.
  • Instead of catching a movie or watching TV, pick an activity that requires movement such as laser tag, bowling, or family swim.
  • Give children toys that encourage physical activity like balls, kites, hula hoops, Frisbee and jump ropes. You could do some of these in your basement or garage if it’s too cold to get outside.
  • Limit TV time and keep the TV out of your child’s bedroom.
  • Plant a garden this spring. Kids love to water plants, and they’ll get excited weeks later when they see their flowers bloom or vegetables grow.
  • Practice what you preach! Kids will be more apt to engage in activity and stay interested when their parent or family is doing it!

Create a positive environment with encouragement and reinforcement–this will help your child live a long and healthy lifestyle!

-Kelsey Raml, MS, RD, LN

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