
Nutrition for a Healthy Digestive Tract





You have heard me say it many times, but once again, a diet rich in a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables does aid in good health and this specifically applies to our digestive health as well! The digestive tract is a very important part of our body and as many of you know, when somethings a bit off with it, you suffer! Eating healthy is truly going to make a positive impact on your digestive health and below are a few tips to focus on.

  • Get Active! Activity speeds up the digestion process and can stimulate muscles within the GI tract helping your organs work more efficiently and effectively. Engaging in at least 30 minutes of activity most days of the week is helpful to your heart, weight, muscles, and your digestive tract. Yes, this is just another reason why we recommend daily activity so get up and get moving!
  • Increase your fiber intake: Adequate fiber intake (25-35g/day) keeps everything moving smoothly. It slows down digestion and absorption and aids in better blood sugar control. Fiber keeps the intestinal walls healthy and functioning appropriately and it also acts as a scavenger and breaks up the bad cholesterol in our vessels, thus having a reduction on our risk for heart disease. Fiber is found in fruits and vegetables (the outer layers so be sure to eat the skins!), whole grains, beans, and lentils. If you aren’t getting much through your diet, you could try a fiber supplement such as Benefiber, Metamucil, or even flaxseed.
  • Get plenty of water: When you increase your fiber intake, you need to make sure you are getting adequate water intake. Not drinking enough water can slow down your digestive tract and contribute to constipation. Getting at least 8 glasses of water a day is very helpful!
  • Limit fats: Fats are harder to break down and digest and can slow down your digestive system. Limiting saturated and trans fats…and your total amount of fat will help improve your digestive tract, keep things moving appropriately, and aid in a healthy heart and waist line. Choose low fat or fat free dairy products, lean meats, and healthy oils such as canola oil or olive oil.
  • Practice Mindful Eating: take your time when you’re eating and really focus on your fullness factors. It takes 20 minutes for our stomach to tell our brain we’re full and most of us are done eating by then and are stuffed. Slow the process down and savor each bite. You will be more apt to recognize your fullness and hunger factors while allowing your body to fully breakdown and absorb the nutrients. Mindful eating also promotes a healthy weight which is very important as well!
  • Probiotics: probiotics are the good bacteria typically found in yogurt and are used to prevent and improve a variety of conditions that affect the GI tract. Activia yogurt as a greater amount of probiotics than the regular yogurt so you may try having 1-2 tubs/day depending on your condition. You can also find probiotics in the supplement form.
  • Limit sodium: limiting sodium will help reduce bloating and swelling. It will also help improve your heart health. Aim for keeping your sodium intake to less than 2400mg/day.

Many of these tips you have heard me discuss before in relationship to other diseases, weight management, or overall health. Healthy eating truly affects all parts of the body, thus it’s very important to limit the junk foods and stick to a well balanced, healthy diet to keep your body and in particular your digestive tract healthy!



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