
Running Within…

Dan Disney photo

Why do I run?  I have been asked this many times.  How can it be fun?  The elements to have to contend with;  the boredom of being on a treadmill;  doing all this when you are tired; how do you have enough time in the day;  these are all statements I hear.  Bottom line:  It is my escape.  It is my time to get away from all of the stress of everyday living.  It is my time to think.  It is time for me…We all need to have “me time”.  How we do this is up to us.  We can choose to be healthy about it, or not.  I choose the healthy route.

running and thinking

It is perfect for me…to look, escape, think…just me and nature.  I love it, and will do it as long as I can!  The famous physician, cardiologist, Dr. Georeg Sheehan, who helped shape the running revolution, has authored some amazing books about running.  I am currently reading them.  I think I will expand on some of the topics he wrote of in this blog.  There is a lot to learn from him, and he wrote a lot of this in the 70’s and the 80’s.  Incredible inspiration behind all of this.  Stay tuned…

Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day #:  2466

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