
Eat Out the Healthy Way






Everyone is busy and on the run with life happenings so eating out tends to be a part of our lives. We all know that eating out is not the best for us as we don’t have control over how the meal is prepared, ingredients, and portions like we do at home. Despite this, we all still eat out and most of us enjoy it as it means we don’t have to do the preparing, cooking, and cleaning up afterwards…and it’s typically a social activity as well! Restaurants are taking notice of our nation’s desire to improve our health and wellness and there are more healthier options on the menus today, but there are still some very unhealthy ones as well. Below are some tips to help you eat out the healthy way:

  • Go for a smaller portion of the meal such as half of the meal, lunch portion, or appetizer size portion.
  • Look for key words such as baked, broiled, grilled, or roasted. Stay away from descriptive words such as crispy, creamy, crunchy, and crispy as those typically mean fried and more fat added.
  • Substitute the fries for a salad (dressing on the side and use sparingly) or if available a second serving of cooked veggies or fruit.
  • Get a to-go box right away before you start eating and package half of your meal in the box and eat at another meal at home. If it’s on your plate, you’ll be more apt to eat it, so put it away right away so you aren’t tempted and you are more apt to practice proper portion control.
  • Share! It’s ok to share an entree with you friend, spouse, etc to help you practice better portion control.
  • Look at the options ahead of time online or using your smart phone. Many restaurants have their nutrition information included in their websites or you can use the Calorie King app to explore the options and make a healthy choice when dining out.
  • If eating out is a rare occurrence, it is ok to splurge, but keep in mind it should be a special occasion and only every once in awhile, not every day or every week as those extra calories will add up and cause weight gain quickly!
  • To help balance out the extra calories consumed when eating out, be sure to get your activity in and engage in at least 30-60 minutes/day!



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