
Laurie celebrates good health thanks to STRIVE!












It’s hard to believe school is back in session and fall is approaching quickly. We are always sad to see summer go as it seems to fly by faster every year, but I am excited for my favorite season (fall) to get here and to start another session of STRIVE 2 Survive! I always like to highlight a few of our success stories and previous participants to show what STRIVE can do for you! Laurie Danforth and her husband Mike participated in STRIVE 2 Survive and found great value in it. If you are on the fence or wondering if you should join us, check out Laurie’s feedback below. We hope you will consider it and let us help you improve your health and well-being through improved nutrition and activity! If you have any questions or want to learn more, please email us at or call 884-4226. Fall STRIVE starts September 16th!



  • What pushed you to join STRIVE?  After sending our last child off to college and becoming empty nesters we decided it was time to change our eating habits.  Mike wanted to lose a few pounds so I suggested we do S2S and do it the right way.
  • What was your goal?  (weight loss, cholesterol, B/P, healthy eating, etc.) My goal was to develop better healthy eating and to maintain of improve lab values.
  • Have you met your goal? Yes until the kids came home for the summer then our eating changes some but I always have S2S on my mind and look for healthier ways to fix meals.
    • If so, what are you doing to maintain? Looking forward to 2 of the boys returning to college to help with our change of habits when had adapted to.
    • How did STRIVE help?  Brought awareness to foods and their contents and also the ability to prepare foods differently to make them healthier.  The frequent e mails and updates on the web also help.
  • What is your motivation to continue?  My competitiveness to keep my lab values where they were after being diligent of changing habits.  I challenge myself to make sure they stay in good healthy ranges.  I also feel much better after changing my diet habits.
  • If you could tell anyone about Strive to Survive, what would you say?  By all means join the program.  Don’t think of it as a “diet” but a way of changing your daily eating habits along with exercise.  It is not all about weight loss but eating healthier and making changes to adding or increasing exercise.  I lost inches and improved lab values but did not lose much weight, all with feeling better. (Side note–Laurie didn’t have much to lose, so she focused on toning, lab improvement, and overall health improvements)
  • Do you feel that the program has a lifetime change for you? By all means.
  • What do you think they biggest highlight of the program is?  Learning how to label read and prepare foods bought at the grocery store to change habits.  It is much cheaper and healthier to buy foods at the grocery store for weight loss versus buying a program of mixes and shakes that may produce rapid weight loss.  I know with this program I was making healthy choices that were not inadvertently affecting my lab values.
  • Would you tell a friend about us?  I have told friends about this program and encouraged them to join.  The cost of the program is far less than “buying” weight loss with the many advertised programs out there.
  • If people are in doubt of joining, what would you tell them? Give it a try!


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