
Success in Life: Happiness! Happiness Depends Upon Ourselves…It is in Our Hands!

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Happiness…something everybody wants, but we may not know how to achieve this. Look around at what you have and who you are…are you happy? If not, then why? Maybe an even more important question if you are not happy is “what are you going to do about it?” Are you going to sit back and wait for things to improve, or are you going to make an active effort to change it? Focus on those things in life that are important to you, and then start to figure out what you can do to make it even better. My family is my source of happiness, and I keep turning my attention back towards them.’\
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Surround yourselves with family and friends that are going to make you happy! Sometimes it may be easier to sit back and complain, or be angry about the things that don’t make you happy. Take action into your own hands and decide what it is that is going to make you happy…what is going to help you be a success in life!
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I have the best training partner ever in Sarah! It is a great way to spend time together by working out together, and hopefully help us be around longer to be able to spend even more time together, and be happy! We just went out on a 10 mile run this AM, and spent a lot of it talking…planning for future, solving problems, venting in general! That does not mean everybody has to go out and run 10 miles! But it does mean you need to get out and move, and there are many ways to exercise and be happy. But, it can be as individual as the individual themselves!
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Bottom line…we are responsible for our own Happiness! Nobody is going to do it for us. We may rely on family and friends to help with this, but we are ultimately responsible. What is it going to take to make you happy?
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Happiness is in your hands! Use them to your advantage. Over time, you never know what else your hands will help you with! They are great for hugging!
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Wrap your hands and arms around those you care about. Many times those answers to life’s questions come much easier then. Figure out how your happiness will help make your life a success!
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How better than this quote to sum it all up! Smile! Be happy! You are in the driver seat!
Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day #: 3089

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