
Becoming a Better You: What is it You Want to Achieve?

What do we want to “finish” in our lives? What is it we want to accomplish? We all have our bucket list ideas, those things we would really like to do, or go see, or accomplish. But what are we doing as individuals to help that process? Are we working at it diligently, or are we waiting for it to fall into our laps? What risks are we willing to take? Clearly, something has to happen.

Time for change, colorful words on blackboard.
When you begin, you start. Just like entering a race, or walk, the first thing you have to do is get to the starting line. Once you get there, then how you continue defines your goal. Are you going to give up before you finish? Are there going to be obstacles along the way? Sure there are! When it is something you truly want, you have to work for it. But you also have to keep focused, and to remember one major principle…


Our minds are our own worst enemy. If we can get past our negative thoughts, and doubts, we can accomplish anything we want to!

You will have to push yourself…persist until success happens! Keep repeating this to yourself. How else are you going to become a better you if you don’t believe success will happen. But you have to work for it. Nothing worth having just happens. That is what makes your accomplishments that much more rewarding too…you earned it! You pushed yourself into that success. You kept your focus on your dreams and visions, and you never let them out of your sight!

You give it all you got to accomplish those goals, all of which help to make you become a better you. When you believe in yourself, amazing things happen!


Bottom line, you become unstoppable. You become a better version of you! What more could you ask for. Before too long, you will start finishing things you never thought you could, or even more, you start finishing things that previously you would have never thought you would have even started!


If you try, you are a winner! When you finish what you set out to do, you become better…not better than anybody else, that is not the goal. You become a better you, which is, after all, what you are trying to do. Keep working on you…there is no better investment. There is no better return on your investment! Believe in you! Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day #: 3313

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