
Becoming a Better You! The Art of Slowing Down!

We all get 24 hours in a day. We all get 7 days in a week, 365 days a year. So why does it always seem like there is never enough time to get things done? Why is everybody always in a rush to get something done, when the majority of those things really are not that important anyway? The secret in life is to prioritize those things that are important in our life, and then making sure we have enough time to get these done. The center of all of this should be around those people most important to us. After all, who is going to miss us when we are not here? As a physician, I am helping people all of the time in their final days of life, helping them to make that final journey. I hear all of the time how they did not have enough time to do things they wanted, especially when it came to spending time with family and friends. I have never heard anybody yet tell me, “You know Doc, if I could just spent more time working!”. Think about it…what is important to you? This Summer I had all of my kids home for a short time, and we went to a twins game, and spent a few days in the Twin Cities. Family time. We even went to a play in Chanhassen.

As the kids continue to grow up, these are the times that they are going to remember…the times we spent together as a family. That is always how exercise has helped make us a closer, stronger family. We all exercise! It is a great way to spend family time together. But you need to slow down, (except when we are running a race!), and learn to enjoy things more.


Sometimes if we are in too big of a rush, we are going to have important things pass right by us, and we are not going to have a clue until it is too late. Take the time to slow down! Enjoy life as it comes. Enjoy that full day for everything it brings. We all have 24 hours, we are all busy, but not too busy that we can’t make room to take care of ourselves. We have to take time to exercise, and to spend time with those important to us. Sometimes that can even be at the same time!

It is amazing what you all can appreciate more if you take the time to look…take the time to appreciate…even just taking the time to take the time! We need to figure out for ourselves where that can work for us. Where can you take a break to slow down, just sit and observe, and enjoy…and just think. Think about how you can do things better, and more efficient. It may just surprise you by doing this, how much more productive you can be during the day, and still have that time to spend with family. These are some of my favorite places to sit and think.

A rocking chair overlooking the lake. Just you and nature.

Lots of park benches along the bike trail here in Watertown. You can sit and relax and watch the world go by.

Watching a sunset out on Lake Kampeska. Amazing the things that go through your head, and the things you can come up with solutions for, by just sitting and taking the time to think. I will sometimes be out for a run along the lake, and just stop and watch for awhile…and think. Or if I am out running/walking along the trail by the lake, how peaceful it is, and how your mind can just take you away for all of the stress in your life…and you are out exercising as well!

Remember this! Make it part of your routine. Slow is fast! Taking the time to think about things will make you more productive, and happy. It can be one of the secrets to making you a better you!

Keep moving everybody…and slow is good!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day #: 3341

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