
Becoming a Better You! New Year, New You!

Time to celebrate! 2016 is done, and 2017 is starting. There may have been things that did not go so well this past year, but you can’t change it. Look upon all of the good things. Make things better for this year. A new year is a chance to bring about a new you!


Every year, people at this time decide upon New Year’s resolutions…only to start out of the blocks strong, and then not follow through with them. Don’t rely on just New Years to make those resolutions. Make daily resolutions, and continue to keep working on them!


Those resolutions can be what ever you want them to be. Remember, you are deciding them yourself. What may work for one, won’t work for another. That is truly what makes us all unique. Decide what is important to you, and then figure out how you continue to work on it to make daily improvements.

What is your wellness road consist of? Do you incorporate changes in your diet, and exercise both? What about taking time to rest, or change the intensity of things to allow your body time to recover. Then there is the ever important aspect of all of this: Taking time to think! Plan what you want, how you are going to do it, and remember you do not have to do this alone. We all need help at one time or another. We can help each other make those daily resolutions reality. But remember to have fun along the way!

Sarah is always along with me, helping to encourage me, inspire me, and spend time with me! Hopefully, I am doing the same for her. You can’t always look behind you though. You can’t change what has been. You can learn from it, and then move on. Keep going, and don’t look back!


The view is always better straight ahead! Take for example with your car…that is why the windshield is so big, and everything in the rear view mirror is so small! All of us have goals, and what we want to achieve. We also all get there a different way, and by different means. When it comes to exercise, there are always events going on… walks, runs, activities. When you participate in these, you are never alone!


It is always better to do things with a group! I admit, there are times when I really do want to run by myself. It is my time to think, process things, and just relax. But, there are times when I love working out, exercising, or running in a group. It is a social activity. What is going on in everybody else’s life? How are they dealing with it? Who do they lean on for support? We don’t have all the answers ourselves. To me, that is what I love about our run club. We may all meet to run, but it is not about running…it is about spending time with friends, doing an activity that we all love to do! It is a highlight of the week! Just remember, it is never too late to start…everybody can start from now and make a brand new ending!


It is never a question of can you, but will you? A quote by James Robson sums things up well: “You can’t be given a mile, you can’t win a mile, you can’t buy or steal a mile. You must earn it, and when you do, it’s yours and only yours!” It means so much more this way! Nobody ever said it was easy, but nobody ever said it could not be fun either! You choose…the decision is yours. Make 2017 a year for a new you!


Happy New Year everybody, and keep moving!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day #: 3383

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