
Becoming a Better You: Spring into Action!

Sarah running
It is that time of year. The time when Winter is about done, and you can hardly wait to spend some time outside. Spring officially is here, but he weather needs to be continually reminded of this. It is going to be in the 50’s this entire week coming. The snow, other than a few little scattered, isolated piles, is gone. The trail is in full use. People’s moods in general are starting to pick up. This is the perfect time to take advantage of this and get out and move. Time to work on getting some exercise and activity…time to become better…in health, mind, and body.
spring into spring
So take advantage of this time of year, and Spring into Spring! It is probably the easiest time of the year to start getting motivated, especially when we have been stuck inside for all of the Winter. Get out and enjoy the scenery. There are many things to see along the trail, and in particular, when you go around the lake.

Zeus lake
Even Zeus likes to stop and take it in. It is a great time to go think, get some fresh air, and work on your health at the same time. Don’t let the excuses for not doing this start rolling into your minds. Just get out and move!

Spring WARC
Our run club has been getting out all Winter on Sunday mornings for a run. The smiles on our faces say it all…the weather is improving! It is great to get outside. Time goes much quicker when you exercise outside versus inside on a treadmill. It is much more boring inside. We have our route going around the zoo. It never gets dull here. We were hearing the trumpeter swans in full chorus this AM!
spring party
It is time to party! It is time to celebrate! Who needs New Years resolutions when Spring is so much more accommodating for getting things accomplished in this regards. Take advantage of this. You don’t know what you are missing until you do. And, take advantage of the trail system. The scenery really is very nice to look at, and just get lost in your thoughts, and at the same time, getting some exercise. It involves taking the time for you…to become a better you!

sunset scenery
Here was a view overlooking Lake Kampeska from the bike trail earlier this week. The clouds and colors at Sunset were impressive! I did not even feel like I was out walking and working. I was out observing and thinking. It is a great time to solve issues/problems that went on from the day. You don’t know what you are missing until you try it, and then…you will be hooked. Get out and move, and appreciate what life has to offer. Then, you will realize your life is all that much more rewarding and special. Become a better you, and get out and appreciate what living here has to offer! You won’t regret it!

Keep moving everybody!

Dr. Dan

Consecutive exercise day #: 3467

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