
Becoming a Better You: Work on that Cardio!

hospital hill
In order to build up our endurance, stamina, overall energy level, we have to be willing to get out of our comfort zone. We are getting to the time of the year here where there are all kinds of exercise events coming up: walking, running, biking, swimming! Take a chance, and see what you can do. The next one coming is Saturday April 8…the Spring into Action 5K/walk, and will be in support of the upcoming Child Advocacy Center that is coming to Watertown to help child abuse victims.

child abuse prevention month
The first picture is the Hospital Hill run/walk, taking place on Saturday June 10. It will be our 21st Anniversary of the event. Time to sign up. Some people get scared off by going to events like these, but they are the perfect way to get out and exercise, and be among a crowd of people doing the same thing. I have heard enough people say “if I do this I am going to die!” That is why you have to build up to it, then you will be saying:
I am going to die
Then you will be hooked! You will be on your way to becoming a better you! Here are other examples, this next one being at the SF half marathon event held in the Fall.
SF Half
It is a great run, with great weather, and you often times meet up with friends! We also have the Lake Kampeska minin triathlon, featuring swimming, biking, and running, and you can do solo, or as a team. Take your pick!
The big thing to remember with all of these is it does not matter what your time is. Time is irrelevant. Go for the experience, the adventure…step out of your comfort zone!
races good time
Become a better you! Make a change. Incorporate the 3 C’s in life:

The three C's

You have no idea what this change in your life can mean…what doors it can open up in your life, and how you approach life, and appreciate life. Be adventurous! Take a chance, make a choice, and make a change! Become a better you! Keep moving everybody! Next week I will show how to incorporate resistance activities into your activity routine.

Dr. Dan

Consecutive Exercise Day #: 3473

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