
Weight Management Tips










Sadly, there is no magical weight loss pill or a way to lose weight as you sit on the couch enjoying your favorite TV show. Here are some tips for when looking for a weight loss plan and avoiding those FAD diets that make it look like you are losing a bunch of weight but then later gain it all back and maybe then some.

  • First off, slow weight loss is the recommendation and is usually the best way to loss the weight and keep it off. It is recommended to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week.
  • Never cut out whole food groups, the key to steady weight loss is making the small daily healthy choices that lead to lifestyle changes. The diets that cut out whole foods groups can cause malnutrition by missing key nutrients and can leave you craving it even more than you did before.
  • Summer is also the time when a lot of fruits and vegetables are in season and more affordable at the grocery store. Take advantage of this and get to know what fruits and vegetables you like most, and start incorporating them into your healthy eating habits.
  • Lastly, exercise is essential. There is no better time to get physically active than the summer. The weather is nice enough that you can enjoy a nice brisk 30-60 minute walk around the neighborhood, or run, or bike ride every day if possible or at least most days of the week.

The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to make small everyday healthy lifestyle choices. The best part of slow and steady weight loss is you don’t have to wait, you can start today!


-Elizabeth Honner SDSU Dietetic Student

Source: staying away from FAD diets

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